Sunday, July 26, 2009

Flashes of Amber..

Did I wake up first or did I open my eyes first? Before I could decide the sequence of events, the room was lugged into broad daylight. Light had managed to sneak through the slightly displaced curtains. I sat up and stared in front of me.. stared and stared.. walked up to the balcony and stepped outside to get a view of the lake. The chirping of the birds at first was pleasant, then it grew louder and louder into a cacophony that I couldn't take anymore. It took me sometime to realize that the cacophony was in my own mind and that was not the birds but something else..

Some call it brainwave.. some call it sudden stroke of genius.. I call it 'flashes of amber'.. cause thats what I see with my eyes closed when I think of something suddenly. Haven't been able to stop these flashes since yesterday for some reason. I don't know what came upon me but I have been thinking.. thinking in not words and sentences but in paragraphs. It feels like they always had been lying dormant, waiting to erupt when provoked. And once they did, my feeble efforts to contain them could do nothing more than a stopper cork could, in a flood.

I tried to duck them, hide from them, tried not to think at all but all in vain. The unconscious mind proved too strong for the conscious one. When those neurons start firing and the grey cells get to work, I realized it's utter foolishness to evade them. Then once they occupied my mind, my fingers started tingling and are not able to keep up with the tirade of thoughts inside.

Where are these coming from? Why don't they stop and give me some reprieve:)

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