Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 2 in Hawaii – Oahu

Picking up where I left off, on to our second day in Hawaii.. My ‘insane’ hubby had this insane idea to start our day with an ‘Insanity Workout’. At this time I would like to point out that my hubby is perfectly sane J and that there is this guy called Shaun T who sells these workout videos that Suman is a huge fan of.  Suman recently bought a set of these ‘Insanity Workout’ DVD’s which consist of really insane exercise methods. 5 minutes into it for the first time and I was gasping for breath. Enough of digression.. We had our 15-minute workout session. Aloha Hawaii, great start to a day indeed. (Aloha as in ‘Good Morning’)

Suman had to step out for a business meeting and I wanted to make most of the time alone. I attended a lei-making class and I had that garland on for next 6 hours or so. Then I took a class in hula dancing. I was so excited to learn some cool moves, but alas, this was a beginner’s class. But it was a lot of fun nonetheless. A few people came up to me after the class and said ‘You were really good’.  I was in the clouds... Talk about being scared of heights. :P Aloha Hawaii, you are very kind. (Aloha as in ‘I love compliments any day’)

We decided to not go for the regular touristy attractions and just drive around the island. So took the H3 highway and drove along the beaches through some truly breathtaking visuals. We stopped at a couple of beaches along the way only to find lots of surfers having the time of their lives. I was simply amazed by the skill and audacity of those surfers. Heck, why am I scared of water so much? I would love to surf/parasail by myself some day. Some day may be, but definitely not today J  Now, I have a couple of more things in my to-do list for life, I guess. Aloha Hawaii, you are truly inspiring. (Aloha as in ‘Adventurous’)

We were staying in the almost-southern tip of Oahu, so wanted to go northern tip. We kept driving past Pearl Harbor and North Shore and suddenly at one point the road just ended. It was just some volcanic deposits ahead and there was nowhere to go. Deciding we had enough adventure for one day, we headed back on a different highway, H1 this time. We drove through downtown Honululu and ended up in our resort just before sunset. Got a pizza takeout from Round Table and had our dinner by the beach. Took a small walk and we were ready to retire for the day. Now did I mention that I got two free gifts today? One was a very cute Hawaiian coffee mug from a store for spending a 100$ and the other was a bag from the resort as a welcome gift. Aloha Hawaii, I had a great day today too. (Aloha as in ‘I love free gifts’)

And I shall write to you tomorrow….

1 comment:

Rekha Devarapalli said...

Hey Jo,

I figured that's what you like to be called! I came across your blog through a friend of mine...nice one and loved your passion for dance. Hope I can meet you someday and learn a step or two from you!

If you get some time to browse, here's the link to my blog http://www.beaches-cities-wildlife.com/
