Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cereal Hoarder

How I love the taste of crunchy cereal with a few slices of almonds with a dash of cranberry's in a bowl of cold low-fat milk.. mmmmmm ....yummmmmmmyyyyyy. It's possibly the best breakfast in this whole world for me and heck! healthy too.. an irresistable combination. That ladies and gentlemen is nothing but Cranberry Almond Crunch from Post Selects:) And that happens to be the only one that I eat;)

But somehow the people from Post seem to have got a hint about this cereal maniac and they started keeping the prices pretty high. But never-to-be-dissuaded-by-price me kept on buying it at $4.59/a small box where Costco sold much bigger boxes of other brands/flavours for much lesser price but no; yours truly is so loyal to this particular one, she would think of nothing else.

So it came as a pleasant surprise to me when we were is LA once and found the same cereal for $2.00/box in a Burbank grocery store... I thought Holy *&%$# ! And got as many boxes as my car would accomodate. So much for price differences. But those boxes did not last for long:( Anything that good, never does:( Sometimes I would find it for $3.00 at a nearby Target but that was the lowest price I could find in the Bay Area! So I began to live with it..


We decided to move back to India and I totally forgot it in all the excitement that followed our decision. Too many things that needed to be done packing.. shopping.. again packing and shopping for even more.. A 20-foot container could not contain our luggage.. so we had to book another one. Anyways, so once we boarded our flight and I started thinking about our life in India and it suddenly struck that I had no idea about groceries in India. I tried to console myself and was prepared to live without my favourite cereal when I landed in Bengaluru.

After a few days I decided to take a tour of local grocery stores, I was soo pleasantly surprised to actually find my favourite cereal at Namdhari Fresh and at More as well. But as I looked at the price tag, I had the shock of my life... crap.. this was priced at Rs 425/box. The way the exchange rate was last year, that was almost $10. Even then, it was outrageous.. But so-in-love-with-the-cereal me ended up buying it. Though our grocery bills were ridiculously high thanks to the exorbitant prices of my treasured cereal, I didn't have a choice, did I?

A few months later there was another surprise in store for me. When I went to Food Zone on Varthur Road, I found the same Cranberry Almond Crunch priced at Rs 325. But that didn't last long either:( Soon they went out of stock and I was back at square one. It was not until I went to Food World in Whitefield that I was surprised again. They had it for Rs. 240.. can you believe it.. 2.4.0.? I had found my new haven in Food World!! God Bless them! Every time I go there I buy whatever they have in stock:) And the looks that fellow customers and the ones at the check-out counters give me, don't escape me but don't bother me as well:)

To me, a perfect morning warrants a perfect day. And what's more perfect than starting my morning with a bowl of crunchy..tangy.. sweet.. Cranberry Almond Crunch!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw a program in Food network yesterday about nutrients in cereal. The anchor (don't remember name) put some cereals in a small ziplock bag, added water and mixed it and sealed. Then he took a magnet and slowly rubbed at the zip lock and all IRON came together in one place! he opened the bag and took out the iron :)Similarly he said that the zing, copper etc in our body are also same as the ones found outside.

Then finally at the end of the program, he showed all the %s of water, minerals etc in our body and said that 'it will cost around $4.80 in market to buy all these ingredients in that quantities'! See how cheap our worth of our physical substance is :)